Tip for Spiritual Growth #1


Time is the one thing that we all have and which is the measure of our lives. What have we done with our time defines how successful we are on a test, a job proposal, or creating that perfect kitchen.

However, what we measure with time, can also be measured by quality.

Let me give you an example, if I spend 4 hours studying for a test and succeed, many people will say that it was the hours I put in. If I fail the test, what would be said?

Did you not understanding what you were studying? Where you really distracted while studying, or did you study the wrong thing?

What if I say that my quality of study for 4 hours was poor, then it would make sense I did do well on the test. The other reality could be I needed more time for the quality of my study to be enough to do well on the test.

Quality is arguably as important or more important than time.

Quality is what matters when connecting with people. Quality is what matters when one goes to use that kitchen which was put in so quickly.

When taking time with people or with God, the quality of the time you spend matters.

God loves focused intentional connection with the one He loves and created for good works. Think about quality when you adjust for time with God, it will make a difference in the connection.

Think about how to make the most out of your mornings if you spend time with God then, but are not a morning person. How about starting your time prayer walking to wake you up, and then coffee. Or how about a morning shower first and then time with Him.

Quality makes a difference though, He welcomes you in any way. The TIP is to think about how best to welcome Him.