As a Christian Counselor, I firmly believe that the solution to any of life’s issues can be found in the Word of God. I challenge all readers to consider God’s solutions to the challenges that beset us as we live out our relationships with others. I welcome feedback that is pure and good in nature.

In today’s topic, “THE DEVIL MADE ME DO IT!”, we will look at the fundamental principle that is at the root cause of why many people end up in a counseling session. I have made it a habit, and explained it to my counselees, that when I raise my right hand heavenward and point my index finger, this means that “there is no excuse for sin”. We can try convincing ourselves, and others, that our disobedience to the Word of God (sin) is justifiable in some cases, but as one who claims to be a born-again Christian believer, we know that this is not true.

Eve tried! Adam tried! David tried! Redd Foxx tried! (For those of us old enough to remember his TV comedy sitcom). But the truth is we disobey because we choose to do so by our own free will, regardless of what God has told us! Here is something for you to contemplate. The Word of God says, “Submit yourself, therefore, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you!” (James 4:7). It is an unchanging principle of the Word of God that to the degree we submit ourselves to God, will be the degree to which we will be able to resist the devil’s lies and temptations. When we stay in the state of submission (obedience) to God, the devil cannot prevail in our thoughts and behaviors.

Verse 6 of James 4 adds that if we keep ourselves in a state of humility, we have God’s grace (unmerited favor and power to resist the devil). Pride leads to the “fall” because it will cause God to resist us; we cannot win that battle! “But He gives more grace, therefore He says: God gives resists the proud, but He gives grace to the humble!” Those who will be free of any strongholds of the enemy, will stay humble and submit to God! God forgives and is always waiting with open arms for those who have gone off the path of freedom. Remember, the devil never “makes” you do anything! He just tries to make you believe the lie! Walk-in truth! It will keep you free!

By Press Contributor,

Rev. Dr. Harold P. Hart, Jr.