God's Heart

If you are not pleasing the heart of God, you are grieving the heart of God.

This is something that God has been revealing to me. I have always understood what it meant to move the heart of God; however, I have come to realize that at every moment of the day, I am moving God’s heart in some way. It’s not just on Sunday mornings, when I worship at church, that I move the heart of God, rather in the mundane, everyday actions of my life that I have an effect on His heart.

When God revealed this to me, I honestly had to take a step back and question, “how am I moving the heart of God?” When I wake up in the morning, am I intentional about focusing my attention on Him, or am I quick to scroll through social media and respond to emails? Granted, your life may not look like mine, but it is important to question, “how am I moving the heart of God?”

It is important to understand how the heart of God is moved through our words and actions. God’s heart is pleased when we walk in love towards others, but it can also be grieved when we do not.  We should consider it a great privilege that we can have an effect on God’s heart, but also approach this with great fear and reverence.

We need to exercise this privilege so that we might always bring joy to His heart. Think about how your life moves Him. How might you be more purposeful in living a life that pleases Him? Our walk with Christ needs to be a constant pursuit of going after His heart.

I urge you, move the heart of God today.

By Press Contributor,


Sarah is an English composition instructor at Rutgers University. Sarah has been part of various ministries at her local church for the past 10 years. Sarah’s passion is to engage with young adults in an academic setting and bring forth a godly presence in this secular arena. She is currently in her first year as a graduate student at Rutgers University, majoring in English and Media Studies, with a concentration in writing. She is currently residing in a small town in New Jersey.